Maltese language
English and Maltese are the two official languages of Malta. However, almost two-thirds of the population are fluent in Italian due to its proximity and historical influence.
Until 1964, Malta was under British rule. As a result of this, English is still one of the official languages of the island and is used in schools, universities and trade relations. The use of Maltese is also very common on the streets and in daily life.
As well as this, Italian was an official language until 1934. As a result, the majority of Maltese people are also able to speak and communicate through the language.
Below you'll find a helpful list of words in Maltese which may prove useful to you during your travels around the island.
- Hello
- Hello
- Goodbye
- Addiju
- Good morning
- Bongu
- Good night
- Il-lejl it-tajjeb
- Please
- Jekk jogħġbok
- Thanks
- Grazzi
- You're welcome
- Xejn
At a restaurant
- Ice cream
- Ġelat
- Milk
- Ħalib
- Tea
- Te
- Roasted
- Inkaljat
- Stewed
- Imsajjar
- Fried
- Moqli
- Salt
- Melħ
- Pepper
- Bżar
- Onion
- Basla
- Garlic
- Tewm
- Prawns
- Gambli
- Vegetable
- Ħxejjex
- Fish
- Ħut
- Lamb
- Ħaruf
- Rice
- Ross
- Chicken
- Tiġieġa
- Pork
- Majjal
- Beef
- Vitella
- Fruit
- Frott
- The bill
- Il-kont
Days of the week
- Monday
- It-tnejn
- Tuesday
- It-Tlieta
- Wednesday
- L-Erbgħa
- Thursday
- Il-Ħamis
- Friday
- Il-ġimgħa
- Saturday
- Is-sibt
- Sunday
- Il-Ħadd
- One
- Wieħed
- Two
- Tnejn
- Three
- Tlieta
- Four
- Erbgħa
- Five
- Ħamsa
- Six
- Sitta
- Seven
- Sebgħa
- Eight
- Tmienja
- Nine
- Disgħa
- Ten
- Għaxra