Prices in Malta - Malta travel budget
Prices in Malta

Prices in Malta are quite affordable for all budgets, although if you travel to the island in the summer months you'll see an increase in the price of some products.

Some examples

Below is a list of the prices of the main products in Malta. As Malta is a destination with a large influx of tourists in the summer months, transport and accommodation prices increase during the high season.

Food and drinks

  • Coffee: 1.80 (US$ 1.88)
  • Can of beer: 2.50 (US$ 2.62)
  • Pizza in a restaurant in the centre of Valletta: 9 (US$ 9.43)
  • Menu of the day in a restaurant: 12 (US$ 12.58)


  • Single bus ticket: 1.50 (US$ 1.57) in winter and 2 (US$ 2.09) in summer
  • Taxi from the airport to Valletta: 17 (US$ 17.83)


  • Double room in a hotel in Valletta: between 60 (US$ 62.93) and 110 (US$ 115.37), depending on the season.

Sightseeing tours